Education Helps Us FUNction 

 The more we know about how to take care of our bodies, the better our systems feel and function.  Helping each other operate at our best capacity is a fabulous way to show our mutual appreciation, in my opinion.  

Elementally Intuitive Movement may be Intuitive Movement 101 (no implements); and may progress to Elemental Implement Manipulation.

Anyone can download free E-books of everything I have put together; just peruse the site and you will find them.

If you want me as your massage therapist, you must be willing to practice my movement program.

Otherwise, find a different therapist.

My prices reflect 2 decades of experience paired with advanced training which means I provide you support that is uniquely valuable.

CE CLASSES ARE NOT LISTED HERE as price may vary based on class size;

CE Class payment accepted via Paypal, Venmo, money order, or cash.

Elementally Intuitive Movement

$ 200 USD

Priced by the hour; total for 1-8 humans, of walking age. Four hour maximum.

Physical education is important; especially for kids who may not be athletically inclined--I know! I was asthmatic, overweight bookworm.

Elementally Intuitive Movement is based in flow arts; it's the foundation that introduces students to the seven progressive levels of conscious movement.

(Implements are not and you may find them!)

8-Class EIM Series

$ 1500 USD

This series delves deeper into each level; with the first class providing the overview of all seven levels.

We progress at your preferred pace--weekly sessions, monthly sessions, or double up the sessions if you prefer quicker advancement, through all seven levels.

This course is for up to 8 people; sixteen MYOhoops are included. .

You may also pay as you go, at the standard rate of $200/hr session; 2nd 8 hoops provided upon completion of the series.

Implementing Hoopment in the Classroom

$ 500 USD

This 2-hr workshop is targeted to Pre-K/K/Grade-1 school teachers, and is open to any grade teacher who wants to learn how to make, and implement, mini-hoops as tools that can help teach mindfulness, as well as provide training wheels for ergonomic movement, to their students.

The workshop includes 100 ft of tubing, plus additional required materials; and class size may be from 1-8 teachers. The hoops will be divided equally. The price is the total, regardless of class size.

Hoops serve as inexpensive "fidget-spinners" that teach resposibility, via each child taking care of their hoops, and practicing respecting other people's hoops; as well as practicing communication skills.

The Pressure Rainbow is an additional tool/concept that may be integrated into the classroom, to facilitate communication and increase self-awareness, that I look forward to sharing with you!


Hoopment for Wellness @ the Office

$ 1000 USD

This 1-hr team building session teaches up to 8 people (at a time) Intuitive Movement 101; along with Levels 0-2 Hoopment (Elemental Implement Manipulation); and can be broken up into 15 minute sessions

Mini-hoops are our guides to intuitive, ergonomic movement; helping assist with appropriate body mechanics; that can also serve as non-verbal communication tools, expressing the desire for space/proximity.

Hoopment provides novel movements for our bodies, as we explore space with the hoops--reminding our bodies of the dynamic ways that we can move; thus countering the repetitive posturing that we often encounter in the workplace.

Includes a double hoop set (8) for the office.

Hoopment for Wellness @ the Office for Non-Profits

$ 750 USD

Priced per hour.

Group size is a maximum of 8; Hoopment sessions can be as short as 15 minute increments/group.

30 minutes/group is optimum: 15 minutes of guided Hoopment + 15 minutes of free-play exploration. 

Maximum is 4 hrs. 

I bring my 32 hoop set, and leave a set of 4 for your office; along with a print copy of "Hoopment & Hoopmunication At Work."

Thank you for your service!

Marssage Sample Session

$ 150 USD

This one-time session gives you a chance to see if we're a great therapist/client match.

The 15 minute assessment introduces you to Elementally Intuitive Movement, and gives me a better idea of how to support your body that day; followed by a 60 minute massage tailored to your vessel's requirements; finishing with 15 minutes of Integration--providing your body time to gently come back to "real life" instead of throwing you back into motion.

If anything comes up during the session that you would like to discuss, Integration provides that space, or you may enjoy that time within present silence.

Like the experience? Become a monthly member!

Marssage Membership

$ 130 USD

This rate covers one 60-minute session/month, which includes 30 minutes of Assessment & Integration support.

Your membership will be established through Ko-fi, as a monthly auto-debit.

Massages can roll-over to the next month (you may schedule a 120-min session every 2 months) and are valid for a year after initial rollover.

Your massage membership cannot be shared with other household members or friends.

There is a 6-month minimum commitment required to become a member.

Available near Burnet (toward Buchanan Dam) and soon to be in Kingland.

Special 13

$ 230 USD

Massage therapy is only available on an outcall basis to Elementally Functional Family Fitness wellness support members; membership is limited!

Price is per hour; maximum 2-hr session, minimum 60 minute. This is *hands on* time. Massage time can rollover from prior month.

Included with your session* is an additional 30-minute evaluation/intention setting (every body is different every day) before the session; and a 30-minute integration period, after your session. (Same regardless of session length). You are in charge of your wellness--you direct your session, before we begin.

We are working together, to support your vessel! Your body appreciates your deliberate attention and intentions.

All clients must provide their own massage gear, whether it be a massage table or a shiatsu mat.

*Rate is for *hands on* time; the full session is 2-3 hrs: massage + pre/post session. Make sure you schedule your day accordingly.

A 6-month minimum commitment is required for membership.

The 13 Special Special

$ 1380 USD

Skip the auto-debit--prepay for 6 months of at-home 60-minute (hands-on) sessions and your massage table (or shiatsu mat) is included.

All Special 13 Members must provide their own massage table or mat (for floorwork if that is preferred over table work--best for clients who require deeper sustained pressure to experience relief); having your own massage table is a great tool in your wellness support regimen!

Your massage table becomes a place to deepen into your breathwork practice; which supports your body's association of the massage table with therapeutic relaxation--as well as encouraging deliberate breathing practices during your massages--enhancing the benefits of your session.

If you don't already have a massage table (or shiatsu mat) this deal is for you--all memberships require a 6 month minimum commitment--so go ahead and get gear!
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