Every Body is Different, Every Day

FUNctional Mobility Training + Massage = Spaceship Maintenance

EFF Fitness Up Memberships

Membership is limited to 23.

For EFFF'n dedicated bodies, who prefer practicing with personally guided, monthly support; for you +4 (family/friends)!

If you enjoy my company SO MUCH that you want me to bring out my sack of toys so we can play together, this is for you.

The monthly subscription ($123) is available through Ko-fi, providing:

1 Monthly 1-hr guided EIM or Hoopment session for you and up to four friends, at your preferred location. 

Marssage Memberships

Massage therapy is available for folks who want to combine functional movement training with massage--because every body needs maintenance; bodies that do their part to maintain themselves are easier to provide service to.

If you want only a massage, I'm not the therapist for you. 

If you DO want to practice a fun movement program combined with regular monthly sessions, but want to make sure that my bodywork is what your spaceship needs for maintaining your vessel, your can try the program for your first 60-min session, for $150. After the first session, membership is required for continued therapy, at $130/hr.

Currently available near Burnet (toward Buchanan Dam) and soon to be available in Kingsland. 

Every session, whether 60-120 minutes, includes a 15-minute assessment before the massage, and a 15-minute post-session integration period.

Hands-on time is $130/hr (no discounts for longer session time); remember to add 30 minutes your hands-on time to adjust your schedule accordingly.

Every member receives a hoop set to take home, so they may continue their mobilization practice at home, daily.

Daily Hoopment and Elementally Intuitive Movement practice is a great way to keep your body in motion, for the long haul.

The monthly auto-debit ($130, on ko-fi.com) is for one 60-minute session; you may purchase additional sessions to enjoy throughout the month here.

The 13 Special

**Eligibility for  at-home massage therapy after 3 months of movement membership; you must provide your own massage table/mat**

*****This monthly auto-debit subscription ($230/hr) is for at-home massage therapy, and limited to 13 members*****

At-home therapy means you don't have to drive after your massage session, so you can enjoy the changes to your brain wave patterns for a longer period.

Elementally Intuitive Movement helps support our bodies in between holistic massage sessions; and as we deliberately practice presence with our vessels, we become more aware of our physical/emotional needs. 

EIM supports our process of processing; facilitating our self-healing...when practiced regularly...deliberately.

We can better communicate our needs to others, once we have a clearer understanding of what they are. 

I appreciate working with clients who communicate how I may best support them that day, each particular session.

Your massage includes a 30-minute pre-session assessment, to tailor the session to your ever-changing self...every body is different, every day.

The Pressure Rainbow gives me a better sense of how you are receiving pressure; and where it may be most effectively applied during your session, based on your feedback.

The 30-minute post-session integration period is a time that I remain present with you:

-in shared silence

-discussing what may have come up during the session

-for you to sleep, if you are, and expressly choose to not be awakened for 15-25 minutes (you tell me)

-to set intentions for the space between sessions

Whether your hands-on time is 60-120 minutes, we always begin with a pre-session assessment and post-session integration; so please adjust your schedule accordingly. 

The private session work that I provide is more than *just* massage; and my work isn't for everyone: I provide gentle support, that honors your nervous system--to better assist your vessel with its self-repair process. 

I don't offer "deep tissue."

I do provide attentive, therapeuticsupport; deliberately and presently. 


BLUE--Light pressure; if after I have warmed the area, you want me to increase the pressure, say "Blue" 

GREEN--Just right; you don't have to say anything, unless you want to let me know

GOLD--the "good hurt" that lets me know we found treasure; If you want me to give that area special attention, say "Gold"

(This is where #'s come in handy; the 1-10 scale gives an added depth to how you are interpreting the pressure)

YELLOW--when muscles are tensing/your breath holding, it's a little too much; if you want me to back off minimally, say "Yellow"

ORANGE--more intensely uncomfortable; if you want me to back off moderately, say "Orange"

RED--your nervous system may feel attacked; if you need me to vastly reduce pressure, say "Red"

PINK--means I'm tickling you; say "Pink" and I will modify my approach to the area

This communication system allows clients, who may want to vocalize/groan, to do so without affecting the pressure I am applying to the body; and clearly expresses when a change of pressure is preferred.

This free e-book gives a more in-depth explanation; click on the image.

This free e-book applies TPR to perceived emotional/environmental pressure; and is intended for kids and their parents/teachers.

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