Showing category "Mind" (Show all posts)

The Importance of "Choice"

Posted by Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson on Saturday, June 16, 2018, In : Mind 
Our experiences on this planet are very much affected by whether or not we feel we have a choice.

There are humans who think this experience has no reason; there are some who think this planet is a form of purgatory, or a prison planet; some people think it's a testing ground of our virtue, that determines where we go in the after-life....there are likely as many iterations of "why" as there are individuals, even when the perspectives are shared.

I spent more than a few years wondering why I wa...
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Silence is Golden

Posted by Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson on Saturday, February 10, 2018, In : Mind 

It's something that, honestly, took me a few years to learn.

As a massage therapist, I acknowledge that the time on the table is the client's time; and not mine. 

As a human being... 

I tend to be fairly open already, even more so when vulnerable. It was easier to express thoughts/feelings to individuals who weren't as close to me as my primary nurturers, especially when the vulnerability was in regard to a primary nurturer. I avoided conflict with my primary nurturers; which filled me with much...
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Perceiving Our Bodies as Spaceships

Posted by Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson on Monday, January 22, 2018, In : Mind 
I self-published Your Body is a Spaceship, in 2014, which applies the Pressure Rainbow to emotional states, in addition to being a way of communicating physically perceived pressure. 

The analogy puts the conscious mind as the "navigator" and our bodies, being the vessels we inhabit, our "spaceships."

There is a finite amount of energy available to each vessel.

When a vessel is navigating through "safe" space, it's protective systems are not engaged--thus more resources are available to the immu...
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Sharing is Caring!

Margarita Navarrete-Hutchinson Sharing tools that assist us, as we figure out the "Humanning," help us on the journey of life, together. If my insights may be of service to others, I am grateful for the opportunity to share. May they serve you well.
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